Monday, November 28, 2011

Talking Points # 10 Quotes*

1. Education is Politics An Agenda for Empowerment by Ira Shor

2. Pg.1 "If I were a primary-grade teacher, I would devote my time to problems of socialization. The most important thing children learn is not the three R's, It's socialization." 
It's incredibly important for children to at least be introduced as to "how" to socialize at a young age, we should influence children to be curious, to ask questions, to be intrigued, and to most of all encourage them to think about their school and the environment that they are in.

Pg.4 "To be critical in such a democratic curriculum means to examine all subjects and the learning process with systematic depth;to connect student individuality to historical and social issues; to encourage students to examine how their experiences relate to academic knowledge, to power, and to inequality in society; and to approach received wisdom and the status quo with questions."
I just found this quote to be really straight and to the point about the processes and or steps of how to change the world.

Pg.5 "To many people, the very idea of regaining any real control over social institutions and personal development is abstract and 'nonsensical.' In general...many people do see society's economic, social, and education institutions as basically self-directing, with little need for their participation and with little necessity for them to communicate and argue over the ends and means of these same institutions."
This quote is about the weakness of democratic power in society.

In Class I'd like to discuss the empowering pedagogy
Participatory, Affective, Problem-posing, Situated, Multicultural Dialogic, Desocializing, Democratic, Researching, Interdisciplinary, Activist.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Promising Practices*

           The first conference I attended was titled, "Working with Special Populations" which dealt with the many issues associated with teaching children with special needs. The first presenter was Ellen Bensusan, a special educator at Barrington High School. Ellen discussed some basic knowledge of special education and many of the requirements a teacher must meet in order to ensure their students become strong self-advocates. The second presenter was Dr. Amanda K. Sox, a professor at RIC who is a member of the Rhode Island College TESOL Program (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). Dr. Sox spoke about many of the important terms and issues concerning teachers who deal with children who have trouble understanding English. Additional conferences I attended were the "Plenary Session" and "Youth Panel" which provided information about "teen empowerment", a movement that inspires young adults to better themselves and become better individuals. In this blog I will discuss these events in detail, and share my thoughts as to how this information relates to many of the course readings and topics we have discussed in class to become a better teacher.

At the beginning of the "Working with Special Populations" conference, Ellen Bensusan shared with us a quote, which read, "If you learn nothing else, learn to ask for help." I believe that this is an important idea since the first step in helping students with special needs is determining what it is exactly they need help doing. Ellen explained that many students have difficulty asking for help and may not even realize that they require additional attention. For students with special needs, it may be difficult to identify and accept their limitations. Teachers must be able to recognize special or gifted students, and make it known that they shouldn't be ashamed of their special needs, but rather accept them and use various strategies to solve new problems. This relates to Allan Johnsons, Privilege, Power, and Difference; it’s incredibly important that we be able to  talk about the issues that students are having in the classroom, students must feel comfortable in order to become good self advocates.  Ellen stressed that such students should become "strong self-advocates" which has been proven to help them become more successful. Ellen then directed her lecture towards teacher responsibilities, introducing terms such as "IDEA" which stands for the Individuals with Disabilities Act", and explained how such programs ensure that students with special needs get the extra attention they need to succeed. If students, parents and teachers work together, they can discuss a plan that may help the students become self-advocates and become better learners. With the knowledge that it may be difficult for some students to develop this strong sense of self-efficacy, Ellen provided several steps which can be taken to begin the process; knowledge of the self, knowledge of rights, communication, and leadership. If teachers would like more information about these steps, there is a "manual" illustrating usage, which can be found: here. It's believed that if students are aware of their disabilities, understand their rights, and communicate with their teachers exactly what special needs they require, their education can become very beneficial. Although it may seem simple for many, the issue of communication can often create a barrier for students—which is what Dr. Amanda K. Sox talked about during the second part of the conference.
    Dr. Sox provided many valuable resources that could help teachers assist students who have issues with communication. One of these resources presented is called "WIDA" which stands for "World-class Instructional Design and Assessment". This contains a series of tests, which formatively assess the academic language development of students who are new to the English language. As stated earlier, one of the most important steps a teacher must take to help a student with a disability is to correctly evaluate their issues, and this test helps teachers do that. More information about WIDA tools can be found at: WIDA 

 and several "sessions" have been organized for teachers to demonstrate how they can assist children who have issues with communication. Dr. Sox then discussed many of the specifics about language problems, such as how to use vocabulary, use proper grammar, and deal with the many cultural issues that affect how children communicate with others. Using communication is very important both inside and out of the classroom, and this diagram helps illustrate its importance: 

          The additional conferences I attended were the "Plenary Session" and "Student Youth Panel", which provided information about "teen empowerment". The speakers were Iliana Rivera, Malik Haughton, Jamal Mason, and Heang Ly, and several students from Mt. Pleasant High School. They each provided first hand knowledge and experiences as activists of teen empowerment. Based in Massachusetts and New York, "teen empowerment inspires young people and the adults who work with youth to think deeply about and develop strategies for successfully managing the most difficult social problems in their communities." Iliana explained how she has been able to encourage her peers to join the group by using poetry and song. By using such creative tools, new members gather together to discuss ways to ensure students have a fair and just educational system, and empower students to make changes to better their schools and communities.  More information about TE can be found at: TEEN EMPOWERMENTand the organization encourages students all around the nation to join their cause. 

        In conclusion, I learned a lot from these conferences and took away with me many valuable resources which intend to use in my own classroom in the future. In addition to the information discussed above, there were several volunteer opportunities presented during the "Promising Partnerships Expo" which could give aspiring teachers more experience working in classrooms. Also, resources for building lessons and teaching with a curriculum were provided, which only add to the information we've learned in class. I found it very interesting to learn more about the issues we've touched upon in my education classes at RIC. In my classes we've discussed the many issues teachers face while working with students with disabilities, but I found it very helpful to hear teachers speak from first hand experience after working with them. Also in my classes at RIC, I have "heard" of the terms such as IDEA, EL, etc, but I always wondered "how" I, as a teacher, would incorporate their meanings into the classroom. But after listening to these presenters use the terminology and provide examples of how they affected them, I feel that I have a better understanding as to how they will affect me when I become a teacher. I also found it helpful to listen to the students belonging to "Teen Empowerment" and those in the "Student Youth Panel" as it's important to realize that students can make a difference, and do have the power to make changes not only in their classrooms, but also in their communities. I couldn't help but feel inspired myself as an aspiring teacher, wanting to ensure that my future students are given every opportunity to succeed. These conferences taught me one important goal as a teacher—to motivate students, and ensure they are confident and believe in themselves.  

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Talking Points # 8 Quotes

1. "Tracking: Why Schools Need to Take Another Route" by Jeannie Oakes. 


Pg 1. "Higher- ability students are expected to spend more time doing homework, their teachers tend to be more enthusiastic, to make instructions clearer, and to use strong criticism or ridicule less frequently than teachers of
 low ability classes." It's interesting that we praise 'higher-ability' students for their work, but we 'pick' on the 'lower-ability' classes for their lack of knowledge, it just doesn't seem fair to me. 

Pg 2.
"These differences in learning opportunities point to fundamental and ironic school inequities. Students who need more time to learn appear to get less; those who have the most difficulty learning seem to have fewer of the best teachers." How are students supposed to do their best when their needs aren't being met? If a student has test anxiety and they are focusing on everything other than their test, then they wont be able to one; finish on time, or two; put all the effort and attention into the exam, therefore not doing as well as they could have, if they had the proper accommodations. We need to put the students best interest first, that's the only way to help them improve.

Pg 3. "Unless students are similar in learning 'speed,' such a curriculum raises horrendous problems of pacing. Some students are ready to race ahead, but other lag behind. Enrichment for the quicker students often becomes make-work; reteaching becomes a chore; being retaught can be humiliating for the slower students...
When curriculum is organized around the central themes of a subject area rather than around disconnected topics and skills, all students stand the greatest chance of enhancing their intellectual development." It's not about how quickly we understand something, its about students ACTUALLY understanding it, and that the students can actually learn something.

Schools really need to take another route in learning the best teaching techniques, because no two students are the same, everyone learns differently,and at a different pace. I really agree with the author when she says that "students need not be held back from ideas because of skill differences; rather they can acquire skills as they become ready." All students need is a chance, a chance to show their abilities to learn.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Talking Points # 6 Argument*

1. Separate and Unequal by Bob Hebert

2. Argument
This author Bob Hebert argues that there is "very little evidence that you can have success when you pack all the low-income students into one particular school."

 How you do in school doesn't depend on what skin color you have, but in-actuality whats important is the environment of the schools, "with better teachers, fewer classroom disruptions, pupils who are more engaged academically, parents who are more involved" are all ways that a positive environment helps to improve education. If the poorer schools had better teachers, who really took on the challenge of caring about their students, and wanted to help them succeed and really make something of themselves, maybe the students would do better. It's a "much more effective way of closing the achievement gap."

It's important that we have integration throughout  our school systems, so no one child gets left behind. Some school districts have tried numerous strategies to integrate schools by "establishing specialized, high-achieving magnet schools in high-poverty neighborhoods, which have had some success in attracting middle class students. Some middle-class schools have been willing to accept transfers of low-income students when those transfers are accompanied by additional resources that benefit all of the students in the schools."

We as a society need to get over the fact that we are all of a different race, and for that reason we need to stick together, by integrating schools we not only get the same education, but we can also learn from one another as well. If you put low income students with all low income students, that's all they've ever seen, that's all they know, they don't know how to want, or strive for anything more, so that's were they stay, in the low income category. But the second you put a low income student in with middle income students, its a whole other playing field, they are now embraced with the idea of something 'more' than what they have now, they see the possibility of being 'more', and actually making something of themselves. It's all about the possibilities.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Talking Points # 5 Quotes

1. In the Service of What? The Politics of Service Learning by Joseph Kahne and Joel Westheimer

Pg. 2 "Service learning makes students active participants in service learning projects that aim to respond to the needs of the community while furthering the academic goals of students."..."In addition to helping those they serve, such service learning activities seek to promote student's self-esteem, to develop higher-order thinking skills, to make use of multitple abilities, and to provide authentic learning experience--all goals of current curriculum reform efforts." It's really important that we give back to our communities, and help out those who are less fortunate. It not only helps others, but it maks us feel good knowing that we are doing a good deed.

Pg.5 "In caring relationships, Nel Noddings asserts, we try to consider the life and dispostion of those for whom we are caring. We attempt to "apprehend the reality of the other" and then to "struggle[for progress] together. In so doing, we create opportunities for changing our understanding of the other and the context within which he or she lives." It's important that we understand where the others are coming from, in order for us to help others, it allows us all to grow and learn from one another.

Pg. 10 "Boyte, for example, believes that service activivites should develop students' abilities at "public speaking, recruiting other students, organizing meetings, analyzing problems, developing action plans, and conducting evaluations."  No one person can fix any one problems on their own, we need to all work together.

3. In class I think we should discuss how valuable service learning is, and how we could participate in more opportunities. I know from my own personal experience, I feel such joy and pleasure after helping others, it doesn't matter how big or small the task may be, its just fufilling to know that you've helped someone else.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Talking Points # 4 Quotes*

1. Unlearning the Myths That Bind Us by Linda Christensen

Pg 127 "Children's cartoons, movies, and literature are perhaps the most influential genre 'read'."
I think that this is that authors main argument in the text, from the second we are born we are surrounded by stuffed animals and cartoons influencing our lives on what to like and what to look like. We aren't given the chance to decide for ourselves what our likes and dislikes are because they are being forced down our throats the first chance they get.

Pg. 130 "Look, Ursula the sea witch is ugly and smart. Hey, she's kind of dark looking. The young, pretty ones only want to hook their man; the old, pretty ones are mean because they are loosing their looks."
There are so many things wrong with this quote, first implying that if your 'ugly' that means your smart, and by saying shes dark looking, that's saying she's not white. Life isn't just about what we look like, and by this quote it sounds like we have a time limit on when we can find a mate, and it HAS to be before our 'good looks' run out. Love is supposed to be about whats on the inside, not the exterior.

Pg. 134 "Sabrina said, I realized these problems weren't just in cartoons. They were in everything-every magazine I picked up, every television show I watched, every billboard I passed by on the street."
Its important to realize that these issues are everywhere, and we can no longer avoid them. We can't just blame it on one singular person, we need to voice our opinions and make a change.

3. I don't think that parents should 'punish' their kids from missing out on cartoons but I really do think there needs to be a change, cartoons shouldn't be so racist and sexist. It's so frustrating to think that Disney just recently came out with a Princess of a race other than white- this is both frustrating and exciting at the same time. It's exciting to know that steps are being made in the right direction to include everyone. We all just need to work together to make the world a better, friendlier place.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Talking Points # 3 *Argument*

1. From Teasing to Torment: School Climate in America - A National Report on School Bullying

2.This author on GLSEN argues that we need to "bridge the gap between the support that teachers say they provide to students and students’ perceptions of teachers’ willingness to take action.”  

In order to create a safe and healthy environment in schools, its important that we learn to communicate and work together as a team to help create a system that works for everyone involved. It's important for teachers to be involved with the students, and for the students to feel that they can confide in their teachers for support and guidance.  It's important that teachers don't just "shut out" the problems of their students, or pretend that the bullying and harassment isn't happening. "This study clearly illustrates the prevalence of bullying and harassment in America’s schools and that students who experience harassment are more likely to miss classes which can impact a student’s ability to learn." Schools should be a safe, healthy, and judgement free place, not a place where you have to fear both physical and emotional abuse. It's important that we bridge that gap between teachers and students to provide for a healthy environment to learn. 

 3. I really found this article interesting, and it really makes me wonder how many teachers are actually willing to take action, or how long it takes them to feel "its time to step in." The main point that I wish to discuss, which I've already brought it up few times, is that we really need to bring students and teachers closer, and for the students to know, that the teachers are there to help the students, and that they can confide in them. The students need to know that if they go to a teacher, they will have results, and action will be taken to help them. No one can stop the abuse on their own, we need each other for comfort and support. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Talking Points # 2 *Argument*

1. Aria by Richard Rodriguez

2. Argument
This author Richard Rodriguez argues that the public language is dominantly English and any other language is just unacceptable in the classroom, which in turn forces the language at home to again be dominantly English.

Richard grew up in a family of five with three children including himself, he had an older sister and brother, they all spoke Spanish as their first language. "The language and the sounds revealed and accentuated the family's closeness" it was something that all five of them bonded over. When Richard and his siblings were in school however they were forced to speak the public language, which they were all having a difficult time grasping, and were soon forced to use the English language in their own home. The same home that they all could turn to and have comfort and speak their native language. Eventually the language barrier between the children and the parents became so difficult that they would eat together in silence, occasionally giving a smile. The home that once felt laughter and warmth, now felt silent and cold. English was the public language and Spanish was the private one. Richard was forced to learn the public language and had to sacrifice his relationship with his parents because of it. "Today I hear bilingual educators say that children lose a degree of individuality by becoming assimilated into public society."

3. The point that I wish to discuss in class would be the last quote of my argument. I really feel that children do lose a large portion of their individuality when they are forced to become part of the "public society" and have to follow the norms that we believe are the 'right' norms.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Talking Points # 1

1. White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack By, Peggy McIntosh

Pg.1 "I have come to see white privilege as an invisible package of unearned assets that I can count on cashing in each day, but about which I was "meant" to remain oblivious."

I think that this describes the invisible power possessd by the white people, based solely on the color of their skin. White people have a privilege that they don't really earn.

Pg.1 "White privilege is like an invisible weightless knapsack."

In society white people are thought to have special privileges because they are white. Without having to put in any additional effort, being white is like possessing a special ID that gets you special things.

Pg.4 "Whiteness protected me from many kinds of hostility, distress, and violence, which I was being subtly trained to visit, in turn, upon people of color."

Being white protects us from and against hostilities because whites are represented as the dominent race.

 3.   It's sad that white people are given privileges based solely on the color of their skin. Society has established that being white is superior and therefore privileges are given to whites over other races. Even though there is no basis for the difference in skin color. These are just many examples demonstrating the challenges that black students can face in schools, because they feel hositlity when amongst their white peers.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


My name is Kathryn Carr, I'm a recent transfer student from CCRI, my major is Elementry Special Education. I'm really shy at first but once I get comfortable, I open right up. The semester has just started and I'm good about it so far, I just took a math quiz today, and feel pretty good about it! Math isn't really my best subject, but I try! I work at Dave's Fresh Marketplace in the Deli and in the Bakery Department. My favorite season is Fall, which is right around the corner so I'm really excited about that :) This is my first time using a blog, so I'm trying to figure out how everything works, (I've already changed my background 4 times, but I think I like this one the best) Thanks for checking out my blog, Bye!